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if you want play this game read this

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if you want play this game read this Empty if you want play this game read this

Mensaje  mk1000 Sáb Ago 22, 2009 6:37 pm

if you want play this game you need to download the pach of this server

before that you need a top client instald in your computer and you can download the client from the top home page. Link...

you can download this pach from this side Link...

if you done that all than you need to send a email to this adres whit ID and paswoord
and the admin whil cread a account for you for the game.

Goodluck in game


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Edad : 1994
Localización : Holland
Puntos : 16104
Fecha de inscripción : 18/08/2009

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